Reviews 2016

Woodman Folk Club - Reviews

The Jigantics

Chris Page 1 July 2016

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Well...they did it again! Deb and Derry that is, they have again booked us a great nights entertainment at the Woodman Folk Club with "THE JIGANTICS".

The evening was kicked off by Velvet Green with a couple of quite sombre numbers the first being "Margarita" in order to commemorate this very special day of remembrance.
Then followed on Dick Woodhouse who brought us back to present day with a gut wrenching laugh with his renditions of the "Drinkers song" then Jake Thackray's "The Hole".

The evening then got underway with the stars of the night "The JIGANTICS",
a very talented band, they were made up with main vocals from Mark Coles who also played various instruments, then on fiddle and mandolin but also having a beautiful voice was Marion Fleetwood, on drums and again with good vocals we had Martin Fitzgibbon, on electric double bass and guitar we had Lyndon Webb, on lead guitar was Richard Edwards completing a great line up of talented musicians.

We were treated to a wide variety of songs starting off with the clapping song, requiring audience participation and cementing the band and club for the evening, other songs were The Swimming Song, Man of Constant Sorrow, Hold On, Sun Don't Ever Shine, etc.

The middle spot of the evening was from Our Bryn...that is for you that don't know, singer/song writer Bryn Philips, he treated us to sad but true situation song of war "Are You All Cowards?" a song of the pointless loss of life in the trenches. To lighten this, he finished with his wonderful Throckmorton Coat song - this gained 100% audience participation.

The second half of the evening from "THE JIGANTICS" was great, getting hands clapping, feet tapping, table tops drummed and so on, we were treated to an array of songs but a particular favourite for me was Marion playing the fiddle and singing The Willow - just beautiful.

The only negative side to the evening was the lead guitarist; he did appear to have sound problems where he was too loud throughout the evening, drowning out the fiddle and mandolin and also the vocals at times. A problem that although he controlled his own sound he didn't correct. Nevertheless this didn't in anyway affect the overall evening - a great time was enjoyed by all.

I think a big thank you to all and especially Deb and Derry for putting it all together.